Pre Waxing:

  • Hair needs to be at least a 1/4" long for the wax to grab the hair. This typically takes three weeks long to achieve the desired length. Be patient, it's well worth it. If you feel like you need to trim, please make sure that you do not trim the hair too short!
  • Our skin is most sensitive one week prior to menstruation, during pregnancy and after shaving. Clients may take Ibuprofen 45 minutes before your appointment to relieve pain. If your pregnant, please consult your physician prior to taking any pain relievers. If you are on your menstrual cycle, please wear a tampon during your service. It's totally fine.
  • Cleanliness is next to godliness. Please come to your appointment showered and ready to roll.
  • If you are using any sort of anti aging products; Retinol, Retin A, Glycolic or Salicylic,  please stop using one week prior to any facial waxing services.

Post Waxing:

  • Avoid Sun Exposure for at least four days after waxing. Our skin is sensitive and we want to avoid any hyper-pigmentation issues that may arise due to the sun.
  • Avoid extreme heat! Don't soak in a hot bath, Jacuzzi or sauna. Give your skin a chance to calm down.
  • I recommend not exercising directly after a wax. Our skin is sensitive and we don’t want any sweat (bacteria) getting into the pores which can create irritation.
  • Exfoliate! If you want the most out of your wax, please, please exfoliate. I recommend waiting a couple of days after your wax then get busy. If you notice that your skin is dry from exfoliating , please moisturize. This really helps with ingrown hairs.
  • If you notice that you have ingrown hairs, please try to "up" the exfoliating. I am more than happy to remove the ingrown hairs for you. For the "Pickers" out there, please be careful with your skin. The key to ingrown hair removal is not disturbing the skin tissue as much as possible. I am more than happy to recommend an ingrown hair serum for those of you that are more prone to ingrowns.